Cleaning Up

Cleaning Up


  • Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama
  • Release Date: 2022-06-04
  • Runtime: 60 minutes
  • : 5.5
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 11 Ratings


Three cleaning ladies at an investment firm get their hands on insider stock information and hatch a chance on a scheme that could change their lives.

Season for this TV show

  • Season 1 Poster

    Rating: 0

    Name: Season 1

    Episode Count: 16

    Release Date: 2022-06-04

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  • ParkMin

    Reviewed by ParkMin
    The drama had such a good concept to kickstart a great journey, which was also accompanied by an equally suitable cast to take on the mission. However, some problems came to light along the way. The drama was divided into 4 main sections: the beginning, the first operation, the second operation and the wrap up. For every section, except the wrap up, the drama took too long to progress and kept running in circles. The second operation part was its longest and least enjoyable one. The drama would have benefited greatly if this had been cut down to 10 episodes. The wrap up had its own problem, specifically episode 15. That's when the drama gave the characters their wake up call; however, it was done in the expected generic and cheesy way. On the other hand, the main cast were spot on with their roles and brought the characters to life. The cowardice of Ahn In Kyung is truly something to admire. I can't forget that one scene with her arms on the hips and offering her organs to be sold! Anyway, the drama was decent despite its issues.
