Mysterious Love

Mysterious Love


  • Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2021-04-15
  • Runtime: 35 minutes
  • : 4.2
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 9 Ratings


Quirky and adorable theater actress Ruan Nian Chu meets Li Teng, a cold and arrogant guy who possess both high EQ and IQ. Li Teng saves Ruan Nian Chu from a dangerous situation. The two develop feelings for each other, but separated due to different life tracks. Five years later, the two reunite and their feelings for each other rekindled. However the two are faced with a new danger as they work together to unravel the antagonist's schemes.

Season for this TV show

  • Season 1 Poster

    Rating: 0

    Name: Season 1

    Episode Count: 16

    Release Date: 2021-04-15

    Watch NOW


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