My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star is an American comedy television series starring Oliver Hudson. The series premiered March 14, 2002 on The WB Television Network. It is based on the UK series The Young Person's Guide to Becoming a Rock Star.
> The second half of this season contained more storyline than the entire franchise combined.
I won't consider this a great sequel to its predecessor, at least in terms of overall quality. The first half had no coherence and many scenes had bad tropes/stereotypes, while the second half of it had me taken. By episode 4, I found myself not wanting to watch further. Yet I saw it through till the end and I didn't regret it.
The acting was superb as always, by both the main leads and the supporting characters. The core story in this season was more mature than the first, and I was pleasantly surprised by the second half. Especially so after the **disaster** the first half was. As a result, it felt rushed. The direction and writing for this season could have been better too. Overall, I am not sure whether I'll re-watch this season, although the story is worth a mention! Besides, the music and cinematography were _on point_.
### _As long as you have some patience with dramas, I think it deserves a chance!_