When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs. Chronicling Cassie Jaye’s journey exploring an alternate perspective on gender equality, power and privilege.
Lets get this out of the way. First things first, THE BAD: It's a shame that Men's Rights have to be validated through the lens of a feminist's perspective in order to be taken seriously, BUT, at the same time that's the Documentary's strongest point.
Men's voices are not being heard. If a man has a problem he has to "Man up" and shut up. If a woman has a problem it has to be some man's fault, we all know they are privileged, right? that is main stream culture.
In this movie you will NOT see men bashing women left and right. You'll see men and women just talking about Men's issues and the need for those issues to be addressed, no more, no less.