The Trainers

The Trainers


  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2024-10-22
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • : 7.1
  • Production Company: Lucky Red
  • Production Country: Italy
  • Watch it NOW FREE
From 4 Ratings


Pasquale, a struggling dog trainer, aims to open his training center after another loss to his ex-wife in an agility competition. He devises an ‘emergency’ dog training course, but a flyer printing error brings mischievous children instead. But how will Pasquale manage them? Well, think: if dogs are like children… maybe the opposite is also true, right? The misunderstanding will turn into a fun and engaging journey, and through laughter and challenges, both Pasquale and the children will learn the true values of friendship, respect, and vulnerability


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